
Friday, October 31, 2014

So what's in the Craftsy class, you ask?

"A lot!" would be the answer!  Take a look at what we'll cover ... 

photo:  Craftsy

Lesson 1: 
We're going to start with learning all about the different types of enamels (transparent and opaques, 6/20 enamels, threads, etc.), the types of metal you can use, including how to shop for brass, the setting up of your workstation, assembling the torch & safety tips, lighting and using your torch. 

photo: Craftsy

Lesson 2:
I'll introduce you to enameling iron beads,  how to troubleshoot your results, how to blend transparent enamels to create new and exciting colors, how to create a tri-colored bead. 

photo: Craftsy

Lesson 3:
We'll work with steel wire to create a gorgeous link: form it, how to fire a larger piece, and the importance of flame annealing.

photo: Craftsy

Lesson 4: 
Now we'll use some of the decorative enamel supplements,  like 6/20 and enamel threads,  on copper and also create round head pins and flower head pins. 

photo: Craftsy

Lesson 5:
We're on to enameling brass and how to achieve clear, juicy, and luscious transparent enamels.    We'll shape and enamel free-form brass flowers, explore the blending of transparent enamels and finally we'll enamel a large brass angel wing. 

photo: Craftsy

Lesson 6: 
In this lesson we'll be working with liquid enamel and learn how to create a design using the sgraffito technique.  I'll also teach you how to refire a piece.  Remember, with enameling, you get do-overs! 

photo: Craftsy

Lesson 7:
I'll introduce you to the different types of decals, how to apply them and how to fire them. 

photo: Craftsy

Plus, the great part is that, even though I won't actually be in the room with you, it's almost as if I am.  You'll be able to ask questions at any point in the video.  I'll check the site daily and get back to you with the answer to YOUR question.  Not only that, but you'll be able to view questions asked by others.  

Craftsy is a very COOL platform developed by some techie guys.  They're the tech behind the gorgeous work being created by all kinds of artists.  You'll find classes in photography, painting, drawing, quilting, crocheting, knitting, jewelry-making, cake decorating, woodworking, gardening ... sorry, I need to take a breath ... but that's only the beginning!  

Tomorrow we talk more about the workings of Craftsy and how it benefits you! 

photo: Craftsy 

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