
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bead Soup Book Blog Tour

If you're reading this blog, you probably know that Lori Anderson's Bead Soup Book has been released and several of the contributing artists are conducting a ... 

Here's the line-up for the week.  Even though we're on Day No. 2, if you haven't visited the bloggers for yesterday, you'll want to do that because there are some really interesting posts but also some great giveaways that you'll miss if you don't do a little backpedaling.

You'll notice that I'm on Friday.  Please come back because I have some super cool giveaways that I think you'll like.  Really unique!    

Monday, October 1st

Lori Anderson --

Rebecca Anderson --

Tuesday, October 2nd
Lori Anderson --

Kerry Bogert --

Melanie Brooks -- 
Jennifer Cameron -- 
Wednesday, October 3rd
Lori Anderson --

Diane Cook --
Malin de Koning -- 

Thursday, October 4th

Lori Anderson --

Cassie Donlen -- 

Jeannie Dukic --  

Nan Emmett  --  
Lyn Foley --  

Friday, October 5th

Lori Anderson --

Brandi Hussey -- 
Barbara Lewis -- Painting With Fire  
Cindy Wimmer --
Saturday, October 6th

Lori Anderson --
Melissa Meman -- 

Stefanie Teufel --

Sunday, October 7th

Sharon Palac --

Heather Powers -- 

Erin Prais-Hintz --  

1 comment:

KayzKreationz said...

Been checking them all out. Can't wait till Friday to see your post.