
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ancient history ...

Boy, it's funny the things you come across when you're "breaking up housekeeping."  I always thought that expression was funny ... odd ... but then again, my family says I talk like I'm from another generation! Actually, this photo is from a couple of generations ago!

Me, walking the picket line, against the Machinists Union, 1300 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, DC

The Office and Professional Employees International Union struck against the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers on St. Patty's Day, 1971 and returned to work on May 4, 1971.  Contract negotiations had broken down on issues of pay and health insurance.  Sound familiar?  But the buzz was about the Machinists' Union violating our picket line ...  a big no-no.  So, essentially, you had one union striking against another union.  Interesting times they were ... for a whole generation. 

I was wearing my sister's coat that was fashioned like a monk's robe.  I had been to the doctor's the night before for a urinary tract infection and he said, "stay warm."  I thought, "Yeah, it's freezing!"  That year we had snow well into April.  I'm sure I looked like the Grim Reaper.  The photographer said, "lean against that post" as he snapped the shot. 

My copy of the article is so old the image is barely visible.  I sent an email of this to my kids, Laura and David, who are holding down the fort at Painting with Fire Studio in St. Pete.  David said, "I need those glasses" to which I replied, "They're in style again!"  


Honey from the Bee said...

How cool, Barbara! Neat that you saved the article all these years.

Davinia said...

Yes those glasses are very cool as is the coat. You look like you have tied yourself to the post and are in it for the long haul. Go Barbara!