
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cathie Carroll ... my Bead Soup Partner!

I wanted to tear into these gorgeous packages so bad, but I also wanted to savor their beauty and share them with you! The photos don't need much explanation because their preciousness is evident. 

I love that Cathie has joined her obvious love of fabric with her love of jewelry.  I already have ideas about how to use these gorgeous pieces.  

Look at this unique raku pendant!  It's a teeny, tiny red barn with teeny, tiny trees in a plowed field.  I love it! And the stones Cathie sent are some of my favorite.  I love stones that have a milky translucent quality!  I always think of calcedony as being blue, but these are some gorgeous green ones. 

Wynwoods findings were some of the first things I bought when I started making jewelry.  I just love these ... and the buffalo nickel button is also a favorite.  I think Cathie has been rooting around in my jewelry stash!  I can't wait to get started! :-) Barbara


  1. Wow- what incredible attention to detail! That packaging is so special. I love that raku pendant... can't wait to see what you do with it.

  2. You know that a lot of TLC went into sending you this package. Looking forward to seeing what you create with all these goodies.

  3. first, that is a beautiful mix! second, she totally blew the curve on packaging~ really special attention to details. Can't wait to see your soup, :)

  4. Okay, that packaging alone is worth playing this awesome game, isn't it? And that stash she sent you? *Lovely* indeed! That pendant is super sweet :)

  5. OMG! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the tiny red barn. How stinkin cute is that? The soup is fab and I love the packaging too. I wish I could sew...

  6. You're all so kind!

    I must say, it was hard to give up that little Raku Pastoral, but I have faith that Barbara will more than do it justice.

    Warm regards,


  7. I would definitely have to hoard that beautiful packaging for a project. Those are some wonderful colors to work with, can't wait to see what you make! Hope some of your enameled beads will be playing with these stunning stones. :)

  8. Oh wow, she packaged that so nicely!

  9. Beautiful inside and out! I do believe some enameled beads will pair just perfectly with your soup.

  10. What jewels you were blessed with... can't wait to see what you reate, I'm sure it will be fabulous! Have fun!

  11. I hope you had some smelling salts near just in case of a suddon swoon!

    Don't you love it when the package is just as lovely and special as what's inside?

  12. Lucky lady! The ceramic focal is just precious, as are the fabric and beads. I know you'll create something wonderful with Cathie's goodies!

  13. YUM!
    All of it is wonderful, but especially Jubilee's pendant is lovely. I bought a similar one myself quite some time ago, a larger one. It is a little art piece in itself, and I have it standing on my shelf leaning against the wall. When my studio's sitting area is coming together more how I want it, I will put it up on the wall. You will have fun creating with this soup for sure Barbara! Looking forward to see the end result.

    (give me a break, guess which word I have for word verification ... "sperms"! Really! I have taken a screendump for anyone who wants to have proof.)

  14. Just about to post the image on Facebook ... Really Barbara! This could only happen on YOUR blog! ;-)

  15. What a cool soup you've got. Can't wait for your piece!

  16. Love the soup mix and that packaging, how creative is that? Incredible talent abounds in this BSBP. Can't wait to see the finished piece!

  17. Beautiful packaging and sumptuous soup! Can't wait to see the reveal!!!

  18. Barbara, that is some of the most beautiful packaging I've seen so far. It's amazing the attention to detail that so many people used when packaging their Bead Soups - so much thought and care went in to them. Your Bead Soup mix is such a beautiful color! And I agree, that pastoral pendant is really incredible. No surprise you have ideas flowing already! :-)

  19. You are going to make some amazing soup!! I am totally enjoying your book BTW!! I think I am bringing it to Disneyland with me ;) ttys!

  20. I'm now a follower! Can't believe I hadn't signed up yet! Love your bead soup goodies. Yummm! Riki

  21. What a great soup!! The packaging is so fun!!


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